Privacy Policy

You are on the official website of the plant "Ecopromlit» -  



The current personal data Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) works with the following concepts:
1.1. "Administration" (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration) - this is the name of the specialists representing the interests of the organization, whose duties include managing the site, that is, organizing and (or) processing the personal data received on it. To perform these duties, they must clearly understand what the information is being processed for, what information should be processed, and what actions (operations) should be performed with the received information;
1.2. "Personal data" — information that is directly or indirectly related to a specific or identifiable individual (also called the subject of personal data);
1.3. "Processing of personal data" — any operation (action) or a set of such that the Administration performs with personal data. They can be collected, recorded, systematized, accumulated, stored, refined (updated or modified if necessary), extracted, used, transmitted (distributed, provided, accessed), depersonalized, blocked, deleted, and even destroyed. These operations (actions) can be performed both automatically and manually;
1.4. "Confidentiality of personal data" is a mandatory requirement for the Operator or other official working with the User's data to keep the information received secret, without revealing it to outsiders, if the User who provided the personal data has not expressed his consent, and there is no legal basis for disclosure;
1.5. "User of the website of the Online Store" (hereinafter referred to as the User) — a person who has visited the website of the Online Store, as well as uses its programs and products;
1.6. "Cookies" — a short piece of data sent by a web browser or web client to a web server in an HTTP request, whenever a User tries to open an Online store page. A piece of data is stored on the User's computer;
1.7. "IP address" — a unique network address of a node in a computer network built over the TCP/IP protocol.



2.1. Viewing the site implies automatic acceptance of the accepted Privacy Policy, which implies the provision of personal data by the User for processing.
2.2. If the User does not accept the existing Privacy Policy, the User must leave the site
2.3. The existing Privacy Policy applies only to the site If the User follows the links placed on the latter's site to the resources of third parties, the site he is not responsible for his actions.
2.4. Checking the accuracy of the personal data that the User who has accepted the Privacy Policy has decided to report is not the responsibility of the Site Administration.



3.1. Согласно проводимой в текущий период Политике конфиденциальности Администрация сайта обязана не разглашать персональные данные, сообщаемые Пользователями, а также обеспечивать этим данным абсолютную конфиденциальность.
3.2. Сайт может использовать следующие данные:
3.2.1. IP-адрес;
3.2.2. сведения из cookies;
3.2.3. время посещения сайта;
3.2.4. электронную почту.



Collection of the User's personal data by the Site Administration it is carried out in order to:
4.1.establish feedback with the User, which means, in particular, sending out requests and notifications regarding the use of the site, processing user requests and requests, rendering other services;
4.2. confirm that the data provided by the User is complete and reliable;
4.3. provide the User with the fastest possible solution to problems encountered when using the site, through effective customer and technical support;
4.4. advertise products placed on the site , if the User agrees to it.



5.1. The term of processing of the User's personal data is not limited by anything. The processing procedure can be carried out in any way provided for by law. In particular, with the help of personal data information systems, which can be conducted automatically or without automation tools.
5.2. The User's personal data processed by the Site Administration may be transferred to third parties, including courier services, postal service organizations, and telecommunications operators. This is done in order to fulfill the User's order left on the site, and deliver the product to the address. The User's consent to such a transfer is provided for by the rules of the site's policy.
5.3. Also, the personal data processed by the Site Administration may be transferred to the authorized state authorities of Ukraine, if this is done legally and in accordance with the procedure provided for by Ukrainian legislation.
5.4. If personal data is lost or disclosed, the User is notified by the Site Administration.
5.5. All actions of the Site Administration are aimed at preventing third parties from accessing the User's personal data (with the exception of clauses 5.2, 5.3). The latter should not be able to access this information even by accident, so that they do not destroy it, change it, block it, copy it, distribute it, or commit other illegal actions. To protect user data, the Administration has a set of organizational and technical measures.



6.1. The User's responsibilities include:
6.1.1. reporting relevant site requirements information about yourself;
6.2. The responsibilities of the Site Administration include:
6.2.1. use of the received information only for the purposes specified in clause 4 of the existing Privacy Policy;
6.2.2. ensuring the confidentiality of information received from the User. They should not be disclosed unless the User gives written permission to do so. Also, the Administration has no right to sell, exchange, publish or disclose in other ways the personal data transmitted by the User, except for clauses 5.2 and 5.3 of the existing Privacy Policy;
6.2.3. taking precautions to ensure that the User's personal data remains strictly confidential, just as such information remains confidential in the modern business environment;
6.2.4. blocking of personal user data from the moment when the User or his legal representative makes a corresponding request. The right to make a request for blocking is also granted to the body authorized to protect the rights of the User who provided the site Administration with their data, for the period of verification, in case of detection of unreliability of the reported personal data or illegality of actions.
6.3. By informing the site Administration of your email address (e-mail) and phone number, the User agrees to the use of these means of communication by the Site Administration as well as by third parties engaged by the Site Administration to fulfill obligations to the User, in order to carry out advertising and informational mailings containing information about discounts, upcoming and current promotions and other events, about the transfer of the order for delivery, as well as other information directly related to the fulfillment of obligations to the User. The user has the right to unsubscribe from the mailing list of advertising and informational nature independently by writing a corresponding letter to the email address



7.1. If the Site Administration fails to fulfill its own obligations and, as a result, the User's losses incurred due to the illegal use of the information provided by them, the responsibility rests with it. This, in particular, is approved by the Ukrainian legislation. The current Privacy Policy makes an exception for the cases described in paragraphs 5.2, 5.3 and 7.2.
7.2. There are a number of cases where the site Administration is not responsible if user data is lost or disclosed. This happens when they:
7.2.1. were made public before they were lost or disclosed;
7.2.2. were provided by third parties before they were received by the site Administration;
7.2.3. were disclosed with the User's consent;
7.2.4. the data was lost or disclosed by hacking or access to the data by the hosting provider organization that provides hosting services to the site, provides the operation of the database server, the website server.



8.1. If the User is dissatisfied with the actions of the Site Administration and he intends to defend his rights in court, before filing a claim, he must necessarily submit a claim by writing a letter to the site's email address – so by sending a letter to the official address of the plant Ecopromlit: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol, Kakhovskoe highway 3A, 72311, in the text of the letter, the User must offer the opportunity to resolve the conflict without going to court.
8.2. The Administration that received the claim is obliged to notify the User in writing about its consideration and the measures taken within 30 calendar days from the date of its receipt.
8.3. If both parties failed to reach an agreement, the dispute is referred to the judicial authority, where it must be considered in accordance with the current Ukrainian legislation.
8.4. The regulation of relations between the User and the Site Administration in the Privacy Policy is carried out in accordance with the current Ukrainian legislation.



9.1. The Company has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy without notice and consent of the User.
9.2. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Privacy Policy.